Flight supports collegiate students in their faith journey in God. It’s here to assist collegians fix their faith in Christ, grow in Christian community, and influence the world as Jesus did.

Contact Us

Email: flight@fcbc.org
Phone: (213) 687-0814
Address: 942 Yale Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
College Minister: Darren Lo
Facebook Group:
Instagram: @fcbc_flight

The Flight Crew

Darren Lo, Spencer Sun, Danny Orh, Kylie Liu, Bryan Guan, Hannah Wong, and Kayley Kong

Communicate to a Flight Crew member if there are Flight-related issues or concerns you wish to express.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

September Flight Itinerary

September is just around the corner and so is...SCHOOL! What are you excited about? What are you dreading? I hope that in the opportunity to begin something new, you'll see it as a chance to grow, challenge, and transform with Christ! Praying that God would use you to refine you and teach lessons in your life to shape you to be more like Him. Would you commit to growing in Him right now? What would you do to be of greater Godly excellence?

Philippians 4:9 says, Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy — dwell on these things.

This is our theme for the year--an opportunity to think about what is worthy of praise before God. What do these words mean? What does it mean to live like this? We'll unpack them this year and challenge ourselves to be of excellence before our God. It's a chance to be shaped by the things that matter to God. I hope you will take a moment to dwell on these things.

Annex: Fall Schedule
See right column for schedule! ---->
Where are we going this fall!? Check out the schedule in the right column and pen in the dates--we'd love to see you! Also, if an FCBC young adult/adult contacts you about a meet up, please respond (even if you're unavailable). We just want to see how you're doing, there's no pressure. See you at school!

Passage Curriculum
Sundays  |  8:45am  |  Life Center 302-303 
Our first few weeks in Passage (Sunday School) will be focused on a study of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). We'll unpack these chapters and look at the entire sermon from Jesus before diving deeper into each passage. Come to study God's Word together!

FCBC Fall Baptism
Sunday  |  November 25  |  3:00pm
Want to get baptized this fall? FCBC will have a baptism service in November. That means you'll need to turn in an application, get 3 references, and write a 2-page testimony. This is all due by October 1. Don't delay! Questions? Email: darrenlo[at]fcbc[dot]org

Flight Retreat
Dec 28-31 | Mile High Pines
Save these dates! More information to come. If you would like to help plan for retreat, please let Darren know!

Urbana: Missions Conference
Dec 27-31  | St. Louis, Missouri | ~$350 | urbana.org
Since 1946, InterVarsity has hosted Urbana Student Missions Conference. Urbana is designed primarily for students (plus young adults and adults!!) to seek their place in God's global mission. The mission of InterVarsity and Urbana is to cultivate in every student generation a love for God and for His purposes in the world. Interested? Please contact Joyce Lam (joycejlam[at]gmail[dot].com)