Flight supports collegiate students in their faith journey in God. It’s here to assist collegians fix their faith in Christ, grow in Christian community, and influence the world as Jesus did.

Contact Us

Email: flight@fcbc.org
Phone: (213) 687-0814
Address: 942 Yale Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
College Minister: Darren Lo
Facebook Group:
Instagram: @fcbc_flight

The Flight Crew

Darren Lo, Spencer Sun, Danny Orh, Kylie Liu, Bryan Guan, Hannah Wong, and Kayley Kong

Communicate to a Flight Crew member if there are Flight-related issues or concerns you wish to express.

Monday, December 3, 2018

December Flight Itinerary

For a child will be born for us,
a son will be given to us,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

In the spirit of the approaching holiday, let's take a moment to remember why we celebrate and gather together. There is lots to accomplish before and during break, but be mindful that Christ has come for you to be counselor, father, and peace. Those are things to celebrate together! Join us as we remember why we gather, especially as you come back home this Christmas season:

HUB: Gym Night
Sunday, Dec 16  |  8:00pm - 12:00am  |  FCBC Gym/MPB
Suit up and take the court! We'll have games of all sorts available, but also come to fellowship together. If you want to bake something, bring a board game, or play video games, let us know so we can set it all up!

HUB: Hot Pot Night
Friday, Dec 21  |  7:30pm  |  FCBC 
Warm up together with great food with even better company! We'll provide the meat and sauces, you bring a side and we'll cook it up together. Sign ups will be posted soon. Please reserve your spot and bring a side so we know how many burners to bring down. If you want something specific, don't hesitate to bring it with you to share!

Lift Off! The Promise of Christmas
12 days  |  12 devotionals  |  Countdown starts: Dec 5
We have a special prayer campaign over 12 days that covers FCBC's Advent devotional series. It's been digitized for you to follow yourself. Start at your own pace, as each devotional will be released daily starting Wednesday, December 5. We hope it encourages you to see the promise of Christ through the stories of the Bible each day. 

*If you would like a printed devotional reserved for you when you return, please send an email to flight@fcbc.org ASAP, they're going fast!

Flight Winter Retreat
Fri - Mon  |  Dec 28-31  |  Mile High Pines
Registration is OPEN! $155 for regular (ends Dec 16), and $165 for late (after Dec 16). Don't wait, reserve your spot now and come gather together to recharge, refresh, and reconnect! http://bit.ly/18flightretreat

Christmas Music
Here's some Christmas tunes put together on Spotify to get you in the mood for the coming of our Savior!

February FCBC Baptism
Sunday, Feb 24  |  3pm  |  Applications due: Jan 6
If you're thinking about taking this great step of faith, FCBC has it's next baptism service on Feb 24. We can get the process going while you're on break. Applications are due soon after your break! Contact Darren: text, chat, email (darrenlo[at]fcbc[dot]org) for more info!