Flight supports collegiate students in their faith journey in God. It’s here to assist collegians fix their faith in Christ, grow in Christian community, and influence the world as Jesus did.

Contact Us

Email: flight@fcbc.org
Phone: (213) 687-0814
Address: 942 Yale Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
College Minister: Darren Lo
Facebook Group:
Instagram: @fcbc_flight

The Flight Crew

Darren Lo, Spencer Sun, Danny Orh, Kylie Liu, Bryan Guan, Hannah Wong, and Kayley Kong

Communicate to a Flight Crew member if there are Flight-related issues or concerns you wish to express.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

August Flight Itinerary

Welcome to August! Is it time for back-to-school shopping already? Yikes! Let's take the time to enjoy the rest of summer days--making the most of them for God. Lots have happened already, so when you can, take some time to reflect on all that you've experienced, learned, and grown in so far. Praise God for giving you the summer days off and dedicate what's left for Him. Here's what's going on, it's an exciting month!

Flight Kick Off Event
Sunday, Aug 12  |  12:30pm - 2:30pm  |  MPR (Hall of Truth)
We're kicking off the new church year together with a college-meal lesson! Our very own chef, Ernie Lew will train us on how to buy, prep, and cook a simple, cheap, "easy" meal before you head off to college. Wash your hands, because you'll be involved too! Incoming freshmen and outgoing seniors (and everyone in between) are welcomed! Please reserve your spot in our FB event so we know how much to expect and prepare!

Summer Prayer Meeting
Wednesday, Aug 18  |  7:15p (light dinner) + 7:45p (prayer starts)  |  Monterey Park
Join us along with the Young Adults for summer prayer meeting. Hosted in Monterey Park and includes dinner if you arrive early enough. Let's join our hearts together to pray with and for the church community. Exact location will be posted in our FB group.

New Church Year
Sunday, Aug 26
What's changing? Not much. But we will be part of a NEW worship service--same time and place, but with more of the church (our youth). Don't just be there, but think about serving in it. Interested areas: worship team (singing & instrument playing), sound, visuals, usher, greeter, and more! Talk to Darren (darrenlo[at]fcbc[dot]org) or Tracey Luke (traceydluke[at]gmail[dot]com).

Summer Missions
Many of us were on missions this summer, let's talk about it! Ask those how God moved in their area, in them, and in His people that just got back recently:

Annex schedule
Annex is coming soon (September)! Check out the schedule on the right side of this page and mark your calendars to see us at your campus soon. Let us know if you know of any conflicts!

November Baptism
Take a step of faith! Baptism is a great step of obedience in your walk with Christ and a chance to commit to our church. We have a baptism service coming up on November 25, so that means applications are due October 15, and membership class is November 3. Look to see if you're free to come back for these important dates. Let Darren know if you have interest or any questions: darrenlo[at]fcbc[dot]org

Urbana: Missions Conference
Dec 27-31  | St. Louis, Missouri | ~$350 
Since 1946, InterVarsity has hosted Urbana Student Missions Conference. Urbana is designed primarily for students (plus young adults and adults!!) to seek their place in God's global mission. The mission of InterVarsity and Urbana is to cultivate in every student generation a love for God and for His purposes in the world. Interested? Please contact Joyce Lam (joycejlam[at]gmail[dot].com)